Translational science, human intelligence, and AI for faster Cures

A unique regulatory science drug development company


Translational Cures is a unique drug development company focused on bringing new cures to patients faster by innovating in the FDA-regulated phases of drug development.

We leverage our decades of regulatory science expertise to apply novel technologies (AI, computer modeling, Bayesian evidence of effectiveness, in vitro clinical trials) to develop drugs where it is not possible to run large randomized clinical trials.

Our Focus

Revolutionary advances in AI are speeding early drug discovery. However, the FDA-regulated phases of drug development represent ~70% of the cost and majority of the time.

We leverage translational science, human intelligence, and AI to innovate in the FDA-regulated phases of drug development and cure this bottleneck—potentially saving years.

This enables drug development where it was previously not possible (such as for rare diseases and emergency care) and speeds development at lower cost for common diseases.

Our Team

Our team brings 30+ years of unique experience solving the FDA’s most pressing drug development regulatory challenges across all therapeutic areas.

We have a track record of building high-performing teams and managing large organizations.

Partner With Us

We are creating strategic alliances with those who share our vision for optimizing and accelerating the regulated phases of drug development.

We seek to develop drug candidates where our unique regulatory science expertise can bring cures to patients where it was previously not possible.